About Us

Sibucán makes available to the community, an online marketplace where both individual clients and local businesses can interact with each other, to solve some of the daily problems and needs (for individuals) and interactively contribute to the growth and expansion of local business initiatives.

● The difficulties to find good quality local providers, the insufficient protection of consumer rights, the absence of a space to effectively express the levels of satisfaction related to services and/or products, have been some of the practically uncovered needs within our community. Through the use of multiple interactive tools offered by our website and our mobile application, INDIVIDUAL CLIENTS and LOCAL BUSINESSES can become active participants of the community and contribute to its continuous improvement and development. Rating and writing evaluations on services and/or products, communicating directly and instantaneously with suppliers, comparing similar products to make a more accurate decisions and accessing the best providers in different areas of specialization, are some of the advantages that we offer to our community members.

● Sibucán offers LOCAL BUSINESSES the opportunity to create a tailor-fit portal to offer their services and/or products and be part of a community of talented entrepreneurs and doers of multiple trades, who make good use of our website and our application mobile, to promote and grow their businesses projects. By using the platform, every entrepreneur can acquire new clients, create an effective and direct marketing channel, review and analyze the state of the competition, get to know what individual clients think of their services, access additional channels to distribute their products, sell 24/7 from the comfort of their homes, increase sales and minimize operating costs, manage their inventory and their sales, etc.

What does “Sibucán” mean?

Sibucán is a word used by the Taino aboriginals, to name an instrument or work tool, which was very useful for solving a daily need.

The Sibucán was a kind of narrow sack made with royal palm leaves and woven somewhat loosely, to achieve a mat shape. Grated cassava was placed in it, contained and pressed, until all the juice (which is poisonous) was removed from the joints. That practice was the traditional way to obtain the cassava flour to make the casabe or casabi, which is nothing more than a cassava bread cake.

Why the project is named “Sibucán”?

Similar to the use given by the Taino aboriginals, one of the goals of our team is to work continuously for Sibucán to become once more, a useful tool at the service of all community members.

Our project is also nourished by the innovative capacity, the talent, and the desire to prosper, of all local entrepreneurs, who will always remain an essential element for the development and improvement of the quality of life of our community.


Sibucán encourages the initiative of local entrepreneurs, promotes the quality of services and allows users to express levels of satisfaction.

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